Studio Legale Messina
Consulenza globale per la Famiglia e l'Impresa

Diritto del Lavoro
Discriminazione sul lavoro - Demansionamento - Recupero crediti lavorativi

Diritto di Famiglia e successorio
Separazione/divorzio - Divisione comunione coniugale - Questioni ereditarie e testamentarie
My legal services
Family Law
My expertise extends across alla aspect of Family Law and includes separation and divorce proceedings, parenting and property disputes, division of assets, division of inheritances, access rights to children and advising and representing clients in Court, will and testament advice.
Property Law
With over 20 years experience, I provide accurate advice in all property related transactions. Areas of expertise include: buying and selling property in Italy, assisting foreigners who want to buy or invest in property in Italy, consultation on property valuing, property management, apartment and strata management issues.
I collaborate with Notaries, Accountants, Engineers, Architects to provide you a complete assistance in these areas.
Labour Law
Areas of expertise include damages due lost job or promotion opportunities, strategic advice on employment contracts and practical advice on
compensation and compliance with relevant workplace laws.
Medical Negligence Law
Medical malpractice, medical errors,
medical misdiagnosis, errors in consent to treat forms, failing to
conduct appropriate tests or failure
to advise patients of test results.
Debt recovery Law
I can assist with recovering debts both business and personal. I offer services in the following areas: commercial litigation and dispute resolution, debtor locating, letters of demand, commencement of proceedings in Court, assisting business in drafting agreements and contracts to minimise the need for debt recovery actions.
To contact us: please, send an email to studiomex@libero.it. We will arrange an appointment and then you will can call the number: +39 06 69344326 (3.00- 7.00 pm, Monday - Friday).